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Weir confirms commitment to restoration of lessons from Auschwitz programme

The Education Minister has today confirmed his support for the restoration of a Programme that gives local students the opportunity to learn more about the holocaust.

Lessons from Auschwitz is an educational and commemorative programme open to 16-18 year old students.

Participants are given the opportunity to develop their historical understanding of the Holocaust and consider its relevance today.

Peter Weir said:

“This is an important programme for Northern Ireland, both in terms of education and good relations so I am keen to see a restoration of the Programme so it is available to students here, and therefore I am delighted to confirm my commitment to its resumption.

“It provides important opportunities for students to learn, first-hand, lessons from our collective history and apply them to their current context. The Holocaust Educational Trust has provided an important educational programme for students here for a number of years.”

As part of the project, young people hear directly from a Holocaust survivor, join a one-day visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau and share what they have learned with their schools and communities, ensuring that the lessons of the past are remembered.

Concluding the Minister said:

“While I appreciate that detailed funding arrangements will need to be finalised, a resumption of Lessons from Auschwitz Programme provides an important historical perspective for how we live today. I would encourage schools and pupils to take up the chance to take part in the Programme if the opportunity arises.”

Information about the Programme can be found at Holocaust Educational Trust:


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