Sinéad Dynan Head of Consumer and Business Protection at the Utility Regulator
The Utility Regulator is urging households and small businesses in Northern Ireland who are struggling to pay their energy bills this January to reach out to their electricity or gas supplier for advice.
The recommendation comes during a time when many consumers feel the impact of increased spending during the festive season, and debt can begin to mount up.
Following the launch of Northern Ireland’s Consumer Energy Charters for winter 2024/2025, which was announced by the Utility Regulator* in October 2024, extra support measures have been put in place for electricity and gas consumers until 31 March 2025.
The initiative, which has seen participating electricity and gas suppliers make a range of voluntary commitments, includes a Small Business Energy Charter**, which has been introduced for the first time and a Domestic Consumer Energy Charter*** which has been implemented for a third year.
Suppliers participating in the Domestic Consumer Energy Charter have committed to contributing to external hardship funds and establishing enhancedprotections for consumers who are experiencing debt or payment difficulties.
Those participating in the Small Business Energy Charter have, amongst other commitments, agreed to engage with small business consumers who are in payment arrears and to consider reasonable repayment plan options.
Further to the extra support measures outlined in the Energy Charters, electricity, gas and water suppliers across Northern Ireland hold customer care registers and offer a range of free additional services for domestic consumers with special requirements all year round.
This includes those who are of pensionable age, chronically sick, disabled, or who require help for any other reason.
NIE Networks hold a Medical Customer Care Register to ensure extra support during electricity outages, while NI Water also offers a range of free additional services forconsumers who need extra help.
Consumers who think that they may be eligible to be added to these customer care registers are encouraged to contact their supplier, NIE Networks or NI Water to find out more.
Sinéad Dynan, the Utility Regulator’s Head of Consumer and Business Protection says:
“We understand that January can be a difficult month for energy consumers across Northern Ireland, as they navigate the ongoing cost of living crisis.
“At the Utility Regulator, we endeavour to protect the short and long-term interests of all consumers of electricity, gas and water, and would urge anyone who is struggling with their energy bills this winter to reach out to their supplier for advice.”
Sinéad continued:
“Alongside the extra support measures offered until 31 March 2025 by suppliers participating in Northern Ireland’s Consumer Energy Charters for winter 2024/2025, suppliers will continue to provide the free, additional support measures already offered to consumers year-round. These are outlined in their Codes of Practice.”
To find more information on extra support services available, on how to be added to your supplier’s customer care register, or on Northern Ireland’s Consumer Energy Charters for winter 2024/2025, visit: www.uregni.gov.uk