In Unreal! With Olivia Neill – a new pilot for BBC Three and BBC Northern Ireland - Belfast-born Olivia embarks on a journey across the UK both physically and virtually to meet companies at the cutting edge of this technology, the real life people who’ve not only found love and relationships but found themselves again.
And, she finally tries her hand at dating to see if she can find the next Mr Olivia Neill!
Belfast-born social media star Olivia Neill is an online sensation with a digital reach of over three million.

Her relatable vlogs and knack for creating trending content have endeared her to the Gen Z audience who can’t get enough of her offbeat brand of humour and addictive and hilarious personality. Now, this Northern Ireland tornado is bringing her sense of fun and energy to investigate some of the most ‘unreal’ outrageous life choices trending amongst her generation.
Relationships have played a big part in Olivia’s content as the internet’s bestie opens up to her audience about the trials and tribulations she goes through as a 21 year old woman. After suffering recent heartbreak she is now on the hunt to explore what a relationship should be for her and more importantly, how to be truly Olivia as a singleton.

With nothing to lose and a desire to figure out what’s next in her love life, Olivia is going to explore the hottest new dating trend on the planet – dating in the metaverse.
Olivia is not shy about going to extremes when it comes to dating, so she wants to immerse herself in this strange new world to see if it’s possible to meet your match in virtual reality. Is it a passing fad or a certain future? And could she find true love in a fake world?
Will all this sway Olivia and convince her to find her next partner through her shiny new metaverse avatar or does nothing beat finding love IRL?

Unreal! With Olivia Neill is made by The Connected Set and is on BBC iPlayer and on BBC One Northern Ireland on Wednesday 14 June at 10.40pm.