The new homes being constructed at the former St Patrick's Barracks site in Ballymena.
Radius Housing said it is "extremely disappointed" after thousands of pounds of damage was caused recently to newly built homes at the former St Patrick's Barracks site in Ballymena.
Around 140 new homes are currently being built at the site - part of a multi-million pound regeneration plan being spearheaded by Department for Communities, alongside a number of statutory bodies and organisations in the town.
Police in Ballymena confirmed they are investigating a report of criminal damage in the new housing under construction, currently accessed by Demesne Avenue.
A spokesperson for the Police Service of Northern Ireland stated:
"It was reported to police that approximately 50 windows and window frames of houses under construction were damaged at a the building site sometime overnight between Thursday 8th and Friday 9th June.
"The following night between Friday 9th June and Saturday 10th June a similar amount of damage was caused on the construction site."
As a result of the senseless vandalism extra security measures have now been implemented.
A spokesperson for Radius Housing said:
“It is extremely disappointing that this damage has occurred.
"This project is an extremely important one and it will bring much benefit to the local area both through construction and for many families who will make this their home.
"Our contractor has now ensured that additional security is in place and if anyone had any information on how the damage was caused, we would ask them to bring this forward to the PSNI.”
Anyone with any information about this incident or who may be able to helpasked to call police in Ballymena on the non-emergency number 101, quoting reference number 350 09/06/23, or submit a report online using the non-emergency reporting form via:
You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at http://crimestoppers-uk.org/.