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Sunny clean-up is a pick-me-up for Ballykeel

Writer's picture: Love BallymenaLove Ballymena
Member of Ballykeel litter pick team.

Pictured at Ballykeel 2 & District Community Association litter pick event (L-R) Ronny McFall (Tesco), Roy McClean (Housing Executive Mid & East Antrim Assistant Area Manager), James Weir (Ballykeel 2 Residents Association), Sabrina Mark (Housing Executive Patch Manager, Ballykeel 2), Pastor Thomas Todd (Ballykeel Pentecostal Church), Jean Weir (Ballykeel 2 Residents Association), Sasha Rainnie (Ballykeel 2 Residents Association) and local volunteers.

Ballykeel in Ballymena is looking bright and sprite thanks to a successful litter pick in the sunshine.


This area is no stranger to a mini make-over with this event, involving residents, volunteers and Housing Executive staff now a regular feature in the community.


Chairperson of Ballykeel 2 & District Community Association, Sasha Rainnie said:

“The Ballykeel clean-up was a great success once again. Seeing the Housing Executive Patch Managers taking time out on their day off, really inspired us.


“Thanks especially to Ronnie McFall from Tesco, Ballymena for sponsoring fruit, drinks and toys for the kids on the day.

“Ronnie is one of Ballykeel’s finest and has never forgotten his days growing up here.”

Housing Executive staff were more than happy to get their hands dirty for a good cause.


Mid and East Antrim Assistant Area Manager Roy McClean said:

“As always the litter pick was a very worthwhile evening. Picking up litter may not sound like good craic but when you are doing it with such dedicated volunteers it’s always a pleasure to be involved. The lovely dry sunny weather helped to keep everyone’s spirits up too.


“Seeing all the bags of litter gathered at the end gave us such a sense of achievement. I would encourage other members of the community to get involved in future events like this. It’s a fantastic boost for social skills, a way to help the environment and an ideal way to get some exercise slotted into your day.

Roy added:


“I am always hopeful that community members who see us out and about doing the litter pick will think twice before they discard their own litter inappropriately and of course join us for the next one.”


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