A range of policies aimed at strengthening animal welfare, such as introducing Lucy’s Law to ban third party sale of puppies and kittens, outlawing the use of adverse training devices such as shock collars and mandating microchipping of cats are among the top priorities for proposed animal welfare reforms in Northern Ireland, Andrew Muir MLA has said.
During a number of engagements last week, the Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Minister updated stakeholders on proposals for his key animal welfare priorities.
Minister Muir met with members of the Northern Ireland Companion Animal Welfare Group (NICAWG) and the All-Party Group on Animal Welfare.
The Minister updated stakeholders on current work to bring forward a version of Lucy’s Law for Northern Ireland and consulting on mandatory CCTV in slaughterhouses. Additionally, he informed the group of his intention to convene an expert group to review Dog Breeding regulations.
Minister Muir said:
“Animal welfare is one of my top priorities and I want to ensure that we focus on the right initiatives and that our resources are focused in the areas most in need of reform.
“I intend to bring forward a suite of secondary legislation to address a wide range of issues including the mandatory microchipping of cats and strengthening microchipping requirements, including making it an offence not to update records, and the prohibition of the use of aversive training devices such as shock collars.
“While my department is currently advancing preparations to bring forward a version of Lucy’s Law for Northern Ireland, and consult on mandatory CCTV in slaughterhouses, I was pleased to discuss with stakeholders other anticipated reforms. These include my ambition to commission a comprehensive expert review of dog breeding licensing, which would also consider the need for regulation of canine fertility services.”
The Minister continued:
“I want an open and ongoing dialogue on these matters. While I want to give an indication of what the priorities will be, the detail of those reforms will be open to public consultation and ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders. I believe that by working together we can ensure efforts are focused on addressing the right issues and collectively, we can go further to achieve the best possible outcomes.”
The Northern Ireland Companion Animal Welfare Group (NICAWG) is a sector group that brings together specific expertise and focus, with the aim of improving the welfare of companion animals in Northern Ireland.
Established in 2019, the group includes Assisi Animal Sanctuary, Dogs Trust, Cats Protection, PDSA, USPCA and Mid Antrim Animal Sanctuary.