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Slemish students celebrate A Level success!

Writer: Love BallymenaLove Ballymena

There were celebrations at Slemish College, on Thursday, as  students received their AS & A2 exam results.  

The Slemish students excelled, despite the challenges of learning during the Pandemic. The college said it was wonderful to see almost the full cohort achieve their first choice university places.  

Highest achievers were, Will Woodward, (4 A* - Computer Science, Durham University); and Sean Cunningham, (3 A* and an A – Medicine, Edinburgh University).  

Highest grades in all subjects were achieved by, Vicki Aiken (Management, Ulster University); Sophie Allen (Primary Education, Edgehill University);  Cameron Bingham (Geography, St Andrew’s University); Jake Butler (Software Engineering, Queen’s University); Keelan Campbell (Apprenticeship); Curtis Cavan (Business Studies, Ulster University); Nicole Connolly (Film Studies and Production, Queen’s University); Caitlin Cunningham (Business Studies, Ulster University).

George Farnon (History, Queen’s University); Abbi Gay (Nursing, Edinburgh University); Nia Gilbert (Pharmacy, Liverpool John Moore’s University);  Leila Gribben (Health & Social Care Policy, Ulster University); Caitlin Rose Hawthorne (Business Studies, Ulster University); Ellie Johnston (Law, Ulster University); Laiba Kahn; Matthew Lynn (Planning, Regeneration and Development, Ulster University); Molly Magill (International Hospitality Management, Ulster University).

Alyson McConkey (Pharmacy, Liverpool John Moore’s); Jack McDonald (International Business Management, Liverpool John Moore’s University); Niamh McGaughey (Film Production, Staffordshire University), Ryan Murray (Software Engineering, Ulster University); Laurie Neeson (English and Education, Ulster University); Ben Ogilvie (Architectural Engineering, Liverpool John Moore’s University); Ethan Potter (Architecture, Queen’s University); Tom Poulter (Computer Science, Sheffield University); Brona Redmond (Sport, Physical Activity and Health, Ulster University); Ben Reilly (Employment); Julia Rzepka; Louisa Shaw (Social Work, Ulster University); Jessica Stewart (Health And Social Care Policy, Ulster University); Amy Watt (Interactive Media, Ulster University).

Michael Bennett, Principal of Slemish College, said:

“I am so proud of our students.  They have dealt with the challenges of the last few years, with determination and an unwavering commitment to achieve. As a result, they have been rewarded with the outstanding grades received today.

“We are excited for them, as they prepare to take their places at universities across the UK.  As a group of young people, they embody the values we hold so dear at Slemish College.  We couldn’t be more delighted for them.”

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