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SDLP Makes a Stand Against Domestic Abuse By Signing the Women’s Aid White Ribbon Charter

The SDLP joins with Women’s Aid ABCLN to sign the White Ribbon Charter making the pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.

The SDLP has joined with Women’s Aid ABCLN to sign the White Ribbon Charter making the pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.

SDLP Deputy Leader, Nichola Mallon MLA has said “Domestic abuse is a horrendous reality for many women and children living across Northern Ireland. Whether it is physical violence or mental, emotional, financial or psychological abuse, it has a lasting and terrible impact on victims who are trapped in a cycle of torment.”

SDLP Deputy Leader Nichola Mallon

“The Covid-19 lockdown has made the situation more painful for many. The PSNI has reported an increase in incidents of domestic violence over the last number of weeks. People are more vulnerable at a time like this and we must escalate our efforts to help them.”

“SDLP MLAs are committed to doing all we can to protect and support all those suffering from domestic abuse across the North.”

Mark Durkan

The White Ribbon Campaign is a global movement to end male violence against women. It was formed in 1991 by a group of men in Canada responding to the massacre of 14 female students, to send out the message that male violence against women in all its forms is unacceptable.

Women’s Aid ABCLN CEO, Rosemary Magill said “With one in four women affected by domestic abuse in their lifetime, staying silent is not an option.  We aim to create a society where all women can live in safety, free from violence and abuse.”

Dolores Kelly

“We welcome the SDLP’s commitment to challenge the attitudes and behaviours that lead to male violence against women, and thank party members across Northern Ireland for their commitment and support.”

For more information about the White Ribbon Campaign contact Women’s Aid ABCLN White Ribbon Co-ordinator.

Patsy McGlone


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