Plans have been lodged with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council for a new development for in a popular residential area of Ballymena.
The proposal includes the demolition of existing attached and semi-detached houses at 32 and 34 Broughshane Road to make way for 29 new residential units.
The submission in the names of Mr Brendan Killough, Mrs Anne Corey, and Dr. Mark Dick, would see the erection of 15 apartments, 10 semi-detached dwellings, and 4 detached homes with associated open space and upgraded access off Broughshane Road to the 0.6 hectare site.

Regarding the layout of the compact site, planning documents state:
‘The proposed indicative site layout will allow for three distinct areas. Firstly, the proposed indicative layout indicates a higher density area to the front of the site.
‘This will consist of two apartment blocks to the front of the site, which will maintain the existing building line along Broughshane Road. The indicative layout also allows for parking to both the front and rear of the apartments with public landscaped areas along the front and rear of these.
’A central spine road leads through the site to a low-density area; providing 4 semi-detached dwellings and 2 dual aspect detached dwellings.

‘The spine road continues to a medium density area to the rear of the site, which provides 8 semi-detached dwellings.‘
The proposal is currently under consultation and will come before Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s planning committee in the months ahead for consideration.