Plans for seven social housing dwellings in Ballycastle have been approved, despite concerns from local residents over the loss of green space.
The dwellings, proposed by Triangle Housing Association, include six two-bed houses and one bungalow. They will be situated on lands to the east of 1-6 Mayo Drive and bounded by Ramoan Road in Ballycastle.
Approval of the plans was proposed at a meeting of the council’s Planning Committee on Wednesday, September 27, by Benbradagh DUP Alderman Edgar Scott. This was seconded by Benbradagh SDLP Alderman Michael Coyle.
Site layout plan
However residents of Mayo Drive told the committee they are “extremely concerned about the proposed development”. They added the loss of green space “is terrible for young people”, emphasising mental health and wellbeing are improved by open spaces.
The residents urged the committee to “prevent town cramming”, adding the plans are causing a “great deal of anxiety among older residents”. They said the applicant should “look for another area which will bring more than seven homes but leave the green space”.
There have been 169 letters of objections on this application but a report submitted to the committee states “the proposed design, scale, massing and appearance of the proposed dwellings are considered acceptable as the proposed traditional form and finishes allow the development to integrate into the existing character of the area”.
It adds: “Although the site area has been used as open space for many years it is zoned housing land in the Northern Area Plan 2016. While the area is currently open space, greater weight, as a material consideration, is given to its zoning in the Area Plan.”