Plans to use part of a Portrush amusement arcade as a bingo hall have been approved by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.
The application is for the proposed change of use of a section of the Funland arcade at 12 Dunluce Avenue.
According to the proposals, the back of the arcade will be converted to the bingo hall.
This involves removing an “existing non-load bearing wall” between the arcade and a store to create more space and making good “disturbed surfaces”.
A new “non-load bearing wall” will be constructed between the remaining arcade at the front of the building and the new bingo hall at the back.
According to planning policy, additional amusement arcades are not to be approved in the area but proposals for the refurbishment of existing amusement arcades are acceptable provided there is visual enhancement of the premises; there is no increase in the street frontage; and any increase in gross floorspace is not greater than 10%.
The Development Management Officer Report states that the plans comply with planning policy because they are for “a part change of use from an existing arcade to a bingo hall”.
The report adds: “It falls under refurbishment and there are no external alterations, so it is visually acceptable. There is no increase in street frontage as the front elevation remains the same as existing. There is no increase ingross floorspace as the new bingo hall is contained within the existing floor area of this arcade.
“The proposed bingo hall is considered appropriate for this site in the town centre of Portrush. Environmental Health have no objections to the proposed bingo hall use at the rear of the existing amusement arcade. The proposal is not detrimental to the character and appearance of the streetscape given no external alterations.”