As part of an ongoing operation into organised crime, detectives from the Paramilitary Crime Task Force (PCTF) conducted a search at a house in the Rocavan Meadow area of Broughshane area earlier today, Wednesday 24th July.
Detective Sergeant Hyslop said:
“As a result of the search, officers seized a quantity of suspected Class A drugs, together with other items, including a mobile phone.
“Our enquiries remain ongoing following today’s seizures. This is a demonstration of the PCTF’s commitment to tackle the harm caused by illegal drug use and supply in our communities.
“I would encourage anyone with information about the supply or use of illegal drugs to contact police on 101, or you can submit a report online using our non-emergency reporting form via http://www.psni.police.uk/makeareport/.
“The independent charity Crimestoppers can also be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at http://crimestoppers-uk.org/.”