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Northern Trust announces changes for hospital visiting arrangements

Northern Health and Social Care Trust has announced a number of changes to visiting arrangements to it’s site across the Trust area, including Antrim Area, Causeway and the Mid Ulster hospitals.

Changes are with effect from 9am on Wednesday 3 August 2022.

INPATIENT AREAS (Acute and community hospitals)

All inpatient areas in acute and community hospitals will move to the next stage of the visiting guidance. This will allow all inpatients to have two nominated persons who may visit every day.

Prior arrangement with the ward nurse in charge is necessary to ensure that appropriate social distancing can be maintained in the ward environment. When a visiting person requires assistance, they should inform the ward at the time of booking and discuss with the nurse in charge.


Two nominated people can visit every day where this can be accommodated. Prior arrangement with the ward nurse in charge is essential.


Your partner/visitor is requested to take a Lateral Flow Test prior to attendance at hospitals. Please do not attend if the test is positive and follow Department of Health guidance.

Face coverings are required within a healthcare setting.

This applies to all maternity outpatients services within the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, including clinics within the community, Causeway Hospital and Antrim Area Hospital to reduce risk and better protect our expectant parents and babies within the unit.


You may be accompanied by a partner or nominated other to all Maternity outpatients appointments:

– Pregnancy related appointments and ultrasound scans

– Attendances to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit

– Attendances to the Fetal Maternal Assessment Unit

*Your partner may be asked to wait in the car/outside the hospital until your appointment to keep footfall to a minimum.


A chosen birth partner will be facilitated to accompany you for induction of labour, duration of labour and birth and for up to three hours after the birth.

Unfortunately, the Induction of Labour Bay does not support 2m social distancing when fully occupied, however your individual circumstances and the number of women within the bay will be considered at the time.

Full information on visiting and guidance is available on our website at:

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