Members of the Mid and East Antrim Policing and Community Safety Partnership have extended their full support to police officers and civilian PSNI staff throughout the Borough, and thanked them for their service.
At a meeting of the local PCSP earlier this week, members agreed to give their full backing to all of those who carry out vital roles on behalf of our community, often at great personal risk, to ensure the safety of the public.
Mid and East Antrim PCSP Chair Cllr Angela Smyth said:
“At the August Policing and Community Safety Partnership meeting it was agreed that as a partnership we wish to express our solidarity and support for all those officers and staff working within the Police Service of Northern Ireland at this difficult time for policing .
"We appreciate the work they do every day right across this Borough in keeping people safe. Through our Action Plan and projects we will continue to work in partnership with Superintendent Kearney and her staff to build community confidence in Mid and East Antrim.”
Mid and East Antrim PCSP Vice Chair Mr Lexie Scott said:
“At the meeting we spoke about the current difficult context for policing and how important it is that officers serving our community know that we as the local PCSP are fully behind them at this time. ”
Building and maintaining community confidence in the PSNI continues to be central to the ethos of Mid and East Antrim PCSP.
Throughout the year, the partnership holds private policing committee meetings where the PSNI District Commander presents a performance report and takes questions from both elected and independent PCSP members.
The Policing Committee also meets in public at regular intervals. These meetings are publicly advertised, promoted and are easily accessible online.
The next public meeting of the Partnership will take place on Wednesday 27 September at 7.30pm via Zoom. The theme for the meeting will include Antisocial behaviour and Halloween safety.
Further details will be published on the Mid and East Antrim PCSP Facebook page