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Mid and East Antrim Council approves plans for battery energy storage system

Writer: Michelle Weir (Local Democracy Reporter)Michelle Weir (Local Democracy Reporter)
3D design of the proposed development

3D design of the proposed development

Planning permission for a proposed battery energy storage system (BESS) in Islandmagee outside Larne was approved by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s Planning Committee at a recent meeting at The Braid, in Ballymena.

The proposal by Heron Storage Ltd is for a facility on a 0.9 hectare site at Ballylumford Road less than a kilometre from Ballylumford Power Station.

Gary McGuinness, principal planning officer, told the committee the planned development involves a 100 MW battery storage system and transformers, two switch houses with control rooms lighting and CCTV columns.

A report to the committee said:

“The BESS facility works by absorbing the electricity, converting it to chemical energy and storing it until additional supply is needed, at which stage, it is reconverted to electrical energy.

“As the BESS requires a connection to the electricity grid,  this becomes an important factor in site selection and the proximity to Ballylumford Power Station appears to be the main consideration and alternative locations have not been considered.”

Mr McGuinness reminded members the application had been deferred from November for a site visit which took place in December. He indicated as well as the power station, the north-south inter-connector site is another industrial development in the vicinity.

He went on to say planting of additional trees and shrubs would take place along the boundary of the proposed new development to assist integration.

He reported there were 26 objections to the application highlighting potential issues of road safety, health concerns, water run-off, archaeological remains and lack of consultation with residents.

Department for Infrastructure Roads has offered no objections.

The committee report stated the council has carried out “extensive consultation” with the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service and the Health and Safety Executive. It was also noted the battery units would be “sited back from the road frontage with significant separation distances to neighbouring residential properties”.

Mr McGuinness indicated potential issues have been resolved and he recommended approval.

Planning consultant Tom Stokes pointed out the site “sits well below the road”. 

“It is designed that way to integrate into the landscape,” he stated.

Larne Lough Alliance Alderman Robert Logan commented: “I attended the site visit. The site is quite well hidden. I would be very happy to propose accepting the officer’s recommendation.”

Planning permission was granted unanimously after all councillors voted in favour.

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