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Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

Mayor gears up for 100 mile Charity Cycle

The Mayor of Mid and East Antrim is gearing up to cycle 100 miles across the borough to help raise money for his chosen charities. The Northern Ireland Hospice and the Royal Irish Benevolent Fund are Mayor Councillor William McCaughey’s charities for the year.

The Northern Ireland Hospice has been delivering palliative care to local people across Northern Ireland for over 35 years. A local charity, it offers specialist respite, symptom management and end of life palliative care to 4,000 infants, children and adults across Northern Ireland each year.

The Royal Irish Regiment Benevolent Fund has strong connections with the borough and provides valuable support to those who are in need of help in the form of financial assistance, medical assistance or advice.

The Mayor’s Charity Cycle will see him take in a number of local attractions as he pedals around the borough.

Starting in Larne the Mayor will cycle along the iconic Antrim Coast Road, through Drain’s Bay, Ballygally and its polar bear, Glenarm and into Carnlough. Perhaps the most arduous leg of his journey will be the 9km climb out of Carnlough and the rolling hills to Ballymena via Broughshane. He will then climb over Shane’s Hill before descending back down to sea Level at Larne’s Chaine Memorial Tower and then into the town itself.

The flat roads won’t last long however, as he takes a spin out to The Gobbins, closely followed by an ascent up the Bla Hole in Whitehead, whereupon he’ll make a speedy descend into Carrickfergus before heading to the boundary of the borough, from here he will return through Carrick and back to Larne.

Start to finish, the entire journey will take him to the magical 100-mile mark.

Commenting on his challenge, the Mayor said:

“Whilst slightly nervous about the distance, I’m very excited to take in the beautiful sights and sounds of Mid and East Antrim by bicycle. Coming into the summer season, there really isn’t a better time for us to get on our bikes and get out and about.

“I’m delighted to be undertaking the challenge on behalf of my chosen charities for the year, the Northern Ireland Hospice and the Royal Irish Benevolent Fund.

“Both charities undertake extremely valuable work on behalf of families not only in Mid and East Antrim but right across Northern Ireland.

“I would call upon anyone who sees me to show some encouragement and donate whatever they can to these very worthwhile causes.”

The Mayor’s charity cycle is scheduled to take place on Sunday 15 May. Donations can be made via:

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