Barry Noone appeared before Belfast Crown Court today, Tuesday 17 December, having previously pleaded guilty to killing his mother, Una.
Margaret Una Noone, who was aged 77, was found dead in her home in Cookstown in June 2022.
Today, the 47-year-old defendant was sentenced to six years, half to be served in custody and half on licence, for manslaughter by way of diminished responsibility.
Detective Inspector Michelle Colhoun said:
“Earlier this year, in October, Barry Noone pleaded guilty to manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility.
“Working in partnership with the Public Prosecution Service, Mr Noone has now been held accountable. At the same time, however, I’m deeply aware that Una’s family and loved ones are left to deal with unimaginable heartache and loss, and my thoughts are with them.”
Detective Inspector Colhoun added:
“This is the most tragic case of domestic homicide, in which an innocent woman’s life was taken.
“Sadly, domestic abuse can take many forms, from emotional to physical abuse. Abuse can happen over days or years, or can be a single act. It can affect anyone, irrespective of background, gender or age.
“In this case, an irreversible act of violence took the life of a 77-year-old woman.
“I’m keen to extend our message and I’m appealing to any victim of domestic abuse, whatever form it may take and whatever the circumstances, to please speak to us. We will listen to you and we’ll support you. Please contact us on 101, or in an emergency call 999.”
Support for individuals, including details of organisations who can help, is available at www.psni.police.uk/crime/domestic-abuse
For support with mental health and emotional wellbeing, and details of organisations who can help, please visit www.mindingyourhead.info