There were 143,480 residents living in Antrim and Newtownabbey recorded in the 2021 census.
Of these, 57,509 live in detached houses and bungalows, 45,755 in semi-detached houses and bungalows; 31,241, terraced houses and 8,146 in flats.
There are 593 people residing in flats in shared houses and 148 in maisonettes. Eighty-eight residents were accommodated in caravans and mobile homes.
Overall, 71.5% are owner-occupied and 28.5% rented. Almost 30% are owned outright and 43.81% are owned with a mortgage or a loan.
In the social sector, 8.11% are rented from the Housing Executive and 2.54% from a housing association; 8.61% are rented from a private landlord.
The Housing Executive estimates that 1,019 new social housing properties are needed in Antrim and Newtownabbey during the next five years.
Currently, 434 new-builds are on-site, with 371 planned to start in the next three years. Thirty were completed in 2021/22.
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough’s housing waiting list had 2,192 applicants in “housing stress” at the end of the financial year. Single, older persons and small family households comprise 87% of the housing stress waiting list in the council area.
Of all the properties in the borough, 47.38% are oil-heated; 38.05% have natural gas; 1.26% have bottled gas; 1.07% have electric storage heaters only; 0.42% burns logs only; 0.21% have coal only; 0.06% have renewable heating only; 1.17% have two or more types of heating and 0.22 per cent have no central heating.
Responses showed that 2.81% of households in the borough have solar panels; 0.1% had biomass; 0.09% had a wind turbine.
There are 137,178 residents in Mid and East Antrim. Of these, 64,203 live in detached houses and bungalows; 36,950 in semi-detached houses; 28,321, terraced houses and 6,960 flats. There are 872 people living in flats in shared houses and 335 maisonettes. One hundred and 41 people are living in caravans and mobile homes.
Of the borough’s properties, 69.3% are owned and 30.7% rented.
Of these, 34.63% are owned outright; 37.1% owned with a mortgage or a loan; 7.7% rented from the Housing Executive, 2.23% from a housing association and 11.59% from a private landlord.
Of properties in Mid and East Antrim, 50.13% have home heating oil; 30.8% have natural gas; 1.31% have bottled gas; 0.86% have storage heaters; 0.6% burn wood; 0.22% have a coal fire only; 0.1% have renewable energy and 0.36% have no central heating.
Solar panels are installed in 3.43% of homes in Mid and East Antrim where 0.15% use biomass and 0.14% have a wind turbine.
Six hundred new homes were completed in Mid and East Antrim, according to the seventh annual Housing Land Availability Report for the period between July 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022.
It states that just over one third of the new dwellings in Mid and East Antrim Borough were constructed in Carrickfergus, 26% in Ballymena, six per cent in Larne and 32% in the borough’s small towns and villages.
The Housing Monitor reports there is “significant housing capacity” remaining in the borough’s three main towns – Carrickfergus, Larne and Ballymena. In Carrickfergus, there is land to accommodate 2,100 new homes; in Larne, 1,900 and 2,000 in Ballymena.
The Census also reported that 42% of households own a car or van in Antrim and Newtownabbey ; 42.3% own two or more cars or vans and 16.8% has no vehicle.
In Mid and East Antrim, 39.6% of households own one car or van; 42.9% two or more cars or vans and 17.4% have none.