Outline planning permission has been sought for a new housing development on the site of a former pub and restaurant in Ballymena.
Under the name of G&C Pubs Ltd, the proposal was submitted earlier this month to council planners for the 1.5 acre plot of land at the Countryman. Established in 1978 and located on the Grove Road in the town, the once popular local pub, restaurant and weekend nightclub has not been operating in recent times.
The applicant is seeking outline permission to demolish the Countryman and to construct 17 residential units, the type and size of which has not been stated.

The Countryman on Grove Road, Ballymena.

The proposed site plan.
A planning statement says:
"The development will comprise a mix of dwelling types and sizes to provide a balanced community, visual interest and to provide choice within the development. A mix of detached and semi-detached houses and apartments is proposed.
"The use of different building types, frontages and forms will help create variety and interest in the layout thereby enhancing its visual character.
"Where the need for affordable housing is established by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive the required 20% quota will be set aside for affordable housing."
The statement also confirms that the Spar convenience store will not be impacted by the proposal and will remain at the site.
Planners at Mid and East Antrim Borough Council are currently consulting on the proposal, including tenants of surrounding properties.