The Departments of Justice and Health have awarded funding to 11 organisations to enable them to deliver programmes aimed at reducing domestic and sexual abuse.
The Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy Small Grant Scheme is a new initiative under the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy which is jointly led by the Departments of Justice and Health.
The scheme has been designed to support work with victims of domestic and/or sexual abuse that is being delivered by community and voluntary organisations that are represented on the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Expert Reference Group and/or that are represented on the five Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Partnerships.
A total of £217,274 has been allocated to the organisations, which will begin to roll out projects in the coming weeks.
Announcing the list of successful applicants, Justice Minister Naomi Long, said:
“I am acutely aware that domestic and sexual abuse has a devastating, and oftentimes, lifelong impact on victims.
“By the time such a crime is committed and perpetrators enter the justice system, it is too late. Untold harm has already been caused; therefore, prevention is paramount.
“The projects that have been successful in securing a grant are examples of the innovative and invaluable approaches being taken by community and voluntary organisations in stopping domestic and sexual abuse from occurring in the first place.
“Through this initiative, we aim to support projects that create meaningful change and deliver lasting impact for those affected by abuse.”
Health Minister Mike Nesbitt said:
“We are committed to creating a society where domestic and sexual abuse are not tolerated, where all victims receive the support they need and where those responsible are held to account.
“Prevention and early intervention are critical elements of that work, to change the attitudes that can fuel, facilitate or simply tolerate the behaviours that can lead to abuse.
“I recognise the invaluable role that the community and voluntary sector plays in those efforts. I hope that this grant scheme will enable you, our partners, to continue your essential work and make a real, lasting difference.”
The Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy Small Grant Scheme aims to bolster new initiatives that will help to address the unique challenges faced by victims and survivors.
The scheme is also intended to strengthen partnerships, foster innovation, and ensure the continued delivery of vital services within the community.
The following organisations have been awarded a Domestic and Sexual Abuse small grant:
• Nexus NI
• Relate NI
• ABCLN Women’s Aid
• Women’s Aid Federation NI
• Foyle Women’s Aid
• White Ribbon
• NDA Women’s Aid
• Women’s Centre Derry
• Derry Well Women
The Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline can be contacted free of charge, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 0808 802 1414 or Email help@dsahelpline.org
For more information visit Home - DSA Helpline website.
Contact details of other support services, including Carafriend, HERe NI, Men’s Advisory Project, NSPCC, Victim Support NI, Women’s Aid etc, can be found at Support services for victims | nidirect website.
Anyone who feels in immediate danger should dial 999. If it is difficult to talk, use the ‘silent solution’ by pressing 55 when prompted (if phoning from a mobile phone). This allows police to know it is a genuine emergency.