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Farmers’ Choir hold annual AGM as group goes from strength to strength

Writer: Love BallymenaLove Ballymena
Farmers’ Choir Office Bearers and committee members 2025, front row: Thoburn McCaughey - President, Robin Swann - Patron, Dawn Stewart - Chairperson.

Farmers’ Choir Office Bearers and committee members 2025, front row: Thoburn McCaughey - President, Robin Swann - Patron, Dawn Stewart - Chairperson.

The members of the Farmers’ Choir, Northern Ireland held their Annual General Meeting recently, at which they reflected on a successful year for the choir.  

The meeting was chaired by the choir’s president Robin Swann who invited chair Dawn Stewart and Musical Director, Barkley Thompson to present their reports.  

In her report, Dawn thanked all members for their support and contribution to the choir over this past year. Dawn said that “the choir continues to develop with almost 60 members who enjoy singing together as well as the opportunity to network at rehearsals and events”.

Musical Director, Barkley Thompson reported on an outstanding year with the choir, the highlight being a unique event at Parliament Buildings, Stormont where the Farmers’ Choir joined with Just Sing, Portadown and the 85ers, a sea shanty group from Portishead to showcase an evening of musical excellence.

Barkley expressed his appreciation to all members, telling them that the choir’s “musicality, tone and expression has developed greatly to create an impressive choral sound”.

The Officer Bearers were elected as follows:

Patron: Robin Swann  

President: Thoburn McCaughey

Musical Director: Barkley Thompson

Chairperson: Dawn Stewart  

Vice-Chairperson: Yvonne Carson

Secretary: Arlene Dornan

Treasurer: James Anderson  

Membership Secretary: Pamela Duddy

Public Relations Officer: Mary-Lou Richmond (not included in photograph)

Committee members include all mentioned above along with Johnston Adams, Sam Bonnar, Carol Hill and Andrew Mackey.

Patron Robin Swann congratulated all those taking up a new position and wished the new committee and the choir best wishes for the year ahead.  

The Choir members return to rehearsals in February when they will begin preparing a new musical programme for their Spring events.

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