A CGI image showing how 'The Cushendall Inn' would look in the current streetscape.
Plans have been submitted to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council for the refurbishment of the former Glens Hotel in Cushendall.
Developed by Z Property Development and GMR Architects, the proposals include an extension to provide additional bedrooms, a restaurant, function room, bar and gym.
According to the Design and Access Statement, the existing structure is “rapidly falling into disrepair and is in need of early redevelopment before parts of the building become non-retainable”.

Drawings showing the proposed front and side elevations of The Cushendall Inn.
There is occasional vandalism and “growing local concern that the site/building will become an area for anti-social behaviour”.
It is proposed that the existing front of The Glens Hotel is retained and refurbished.
The existing building is three storey, comprising two full storeys with dormers to the second floor. The proposed building, through retaining the existing front elevation is also two and half storeys.

Proposed lower ground floor plan.

Proposed ground floor plan.

Proposed first floor plan.

Proposed second floor plan.
The statement explains: “It is the desire of the proposed design to refurbish and extend the existing Glens Hotel as an appropriately scaled building which is respectful in terms of its height, massing, proportion and detailing consistent with the relevant planning guidelines.
“The design is based on consideration of the historic built fabric and the prevailing character of the area, using materials that are in keeping with neighbouring properties within the Cushendall Conservation Area. This will be achieved through appropriate and proportioned scale and massing.
“To maintain the rhythm of the street frontage and maintain a ‘domestic’ character we have in an ad hoc fashion (as is typical of the surrounding properties) introduced chimney stacks with pots. These will be largely non-functioning.”

Proposed frontal of The Cushendall Inn

A CGI image showing how 'The Cushendall Inn' would look in the current streetscape, looking toward Waterfoot.
The statement stresses the design is “totally sympathetic with the characteristic build form of the existing and surrounding area”.
This is achieved through scale (retention of the existing front elevation of the Glens Hotel), massing (proportion with existing streetscape) and materials (use of smooth render, stonework and pitch slated roofs).