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Effective career planning crucial on pathway to good jobs: Careers Service available now to help!

Writer: Love BallymenaLove Ballymena
Economy Minister Conor Murphy and Deputy Head of the Department for the Economy’s Careers Service Christina Kelly encourage those seeking advice and guidance following exam results to contact the Department’s Careers Service via telephony, webchat or email.

Economy Minister Conor Murphy and Deputy Head of the Department for the Economy’s Careers Service Christina Kelly encourage those seeking advice and guidance following exam results to contact the Department’s Careers Service via telephony, webchat or email.

Economy Minister Conor Murphy is encouraging those receiving exam results, and their parents/carers, to contact his Department’s Careers Service and avail of the free, professional, impartial advice and guidance offered.

With A level results being published today and GSCE results following on 22 August, the Minister said:

“It is important that young people receiving their exam results today know that professional advice is available to help them navigate the next stage of their career journey.”

The Minister continued:

“Whatever results you have received today, my Department’s Careers Service can outline the wide range of opportunities available, based on the most up-to-date labour market information.

“I want to wish all students best wishes for the future and reassure you the Careers Service is ready to support you on your next steps.”

Deputy Head of the Careers Service Christina Kelly said:

“I would like to encourage students to avail of professional careers advice to ensure any decisions they make on their future are well informed. The Department for the Economy’s Careers Service can offer impartial advice and guidance on career pathways including further and higher education, training and employment, including apprenticeships, higher level apprenticeships and traineeships, as well as help and guidance on applying for employment, either full-time or whilst studying.

“Students and their parents/carers can contact the Careers Service using a range of methods including telephone, email and webchat.

“I would also like offer my very best wishes to those either receiving or waiting for their results and reassure you that the Careers Service is ready to help you access the path best suited to help you reach your career ambitions.”

For immediate advice and guidance please contact the Careers Service by calling 0300 200 7820, lines are open 9:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

Careers Advisers can also be contacted by webchat or email by going to nidirect.




Students across Northern Ireland are receiving exam results and, depending upon the results received, asking themselves ‘Where do I go from here?’


Deputy Head of the Department for the Economy’s Careers Service Christina Kelly answers some frequently asked questions.

Q. What can the Careers Service offer me?

Professionally qualified Careers Advisers provide young people and adults with impartial advice and guidance on a range of career related issues, including apprenticeships and higher level apprenticeships, further and higher education, training, employment, and voluntary work opportunities. Careers Advisers use up to date labour market information, including new and growing sectors, and knowledge of the skills and qualities employers are looking for.


Q.​​ I did not achieve the required results for my chosen universities. What are my options?

If you are unclear or confused about your next move, particularly if you did not get the grades you had hoped for, speak to a Careers Adviser. They can help you decide on thenext step which is right for you, and which will keep your career goals on track. 


There are several possibilities available, depending on yourown individual circumstances. Options could include an alternative degree course, an apprenticeship or higher levelapprenticeship, foundation degree courses, alternative qualifications, employment, self-employment or even a gap year.

Q.Where will future jobs be?

A number of sectors have been identified by the Department for the Economy as important in rebuilding and rebalancing the economy.  These sectors all need skilled and qualified staffand you should think about this when considering your future career options. These sectors are ICT, Business and Financial Services, Advanced Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing and Materials, Agri Foods, Health and Life Sciences, Renewable Energy and Recycling, and Creative Industries and Digital Media.


Further information on these and other sectors is available at and from careers advisers.


 Q.​​ What can I do at a further education college?

Further education colleges offer a range of academic, professional and technical courses. You can choose from a range of full time and part time options including apprenticeships, foundation degrees, extended diplomas and higher level apprenticeships (HLAs) etc. You can find out more at


Q.​​ What about apprenticeships?

If you want to start work an apprenticeship is a great way to get a qualification while earning while you learn. You are trained to a quality standard and are available in almost alloccupational areas. Learning takes place both on and off the job working towards the achievement of an industry approved qualification. Further information can be obtained from


Our further education colleges and universities in partnership with local employers also offer higher level apprenticeships(HLA). As HLAs are being agreed on an ongoing basis, your Careers Adviser will have a complete and up-to-date list of what is available. Those interested in exploring the opportunities provided through an HLA can also contact their local further education college. Check

Q.What about training?

The Department for the Economy’s Skills for Life and Work programme and the Northern Ireland Traineeship programmecould provide you with the tools and confidence you need to find work. It offers training to help you gain the recognised skills, experiences and qualifications to help you progress into your chosen career.


The Traineeship is a full-time vocational education and training programme at Level 2, designed to supportparticipants in their transition to employment or higher education and training.  Traineeships are available to young people over 16 who are not yet in employment. A traineeship will take one or two years to complete on a full-time basis.


For those who cannot engage in formal training, employment or education at this time, there are a number of other options that can be explored with your Careers Adviser.

For further information contact your careers adviser to discuss options on the PEACEPLUS Youth Programme, see:

 Q.​​ Is employment an option?

If this is the option for you, Careers Advisers can help you to explore current job vacancies. They can help support you with your job search activities including help with your CV, applications forms and to prepare for interviews.  


The Careers Service website publishes monthly job posting trends information, provided by the Department’s economists and that is a really useful way to keep informed of current labour market information. This can be found at:


There are more current and future opportunities in areas where there are skills shortages, in particular, those relating to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). Up to date labour market information is available on the following websites.


To contact a Careers Adviser you can:

• Chat with a careers adviser online.

• Call 0300 200 7820, or

• Go online at

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