The principal and staff at Dunclug College have congratulated students after another excellent set of A level results were confirmed last week.
Worthy of mention were Sadie Balmer, Will Carroll, Alex Dael, Alisha Getty, Marc Graham, Hannah Hill, Ellie-May Macartney, Lewis McFetridge, Alysha Millar-Currie, Konrad Skorowski, and Aaron Willis who each achieved three A-Levels to include A*, A and B grades in this year’s round of A Level results.
A special mention to Hannah Harrison and Lucy Hayes, both achieving 3 A*/A grades.

In a year group where there were 39 A grades including 10 A* Grades and, the following students achieved at least three top grades, one/two of which were A*/A grades: Katie Adams, Samantha Brolly, Charlene Carleton, Jody Carson, Samuel Clarke, Nicole Cuckson, Leah Hamill, Rachel Hamilton, Amy McAuley, John McDonald, Adam McLaughlin and Jack Murray.

The following pupils achieved two/three successful grades: Emma Barrow, Casie Bonnes, Kelsey Dawson, Jodie Farquhar, Tegan French, Lewis Frew, Ben Harkin, Ella Henry, Charis Hutchinson, Sophie Linton, Zoe Millar, Mollie O’Neill, Leah Peacocke, Joanne Ross, Jessica Smyth, Joel Steele, Hugh Swann and Brandon Turner.
Of those pupils sitting 3 A-Levels 60% achieved 3 grades in the A*-C range.
80% of students achieved three successful grades.

A spokesperson for Dunclug College said:
“We extend congratulations also to those who had achievements commensurate with their gifts, including 82% of students who studied two A Level grades and achieved Pass, Merit or Distinction grades in preparation for their chosen careers.

“In particular, it has been impressive to observe many students overcoming challenges and, through their determination, achieving standards beyond their hopes as well as developing significant leadership and interpersonal skills in the process.
“In what has been a unique and difficult time students have coped well with the school year adaptations, blended learning, including examination syllabi which have proved challenging. Six subject areas achieved 100% A – C grades: Professional Business Services, English Literature, Moving Image Arts, CTEC Business, Engineering, Single and Double Award Child Care.
“Other highly successful subjects included A-Level Maths, History, Art, Health and Social Care, Double Award Information Technology, Travel & Tourism and Sports - all in the A* – C range.

“The Principal, Mr Oliver, takes opportunity to thank the students for their commitment and to wish them future success as they enter tertiary education, apprenticeships and/or employment.
“He acknowledges the unfailing support of the Board of Governors, the generosity of parents and pays tribute to the commitment of the teaching and support staff of the college.”