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Dramatic vehicle stop mounted involving ANPR Interceptor Team and PSNI Air Support

A dramatic vehicle stop took place yesterday (Thursday 14 April) involving police ANPR Interceptor Team officers working in partnership with the PSNI Air Support Unit.

Police suspected the vehicle and occupants of being part of an Organised Crime Gang (OCG) responsible for large scale thefts from retail premises that have been operating across Great Britain and Northern Ireland recently.

The PSNI ANPR Interceptor Team was established in 2020, with advanced driver officers drawn from the roads policing unit who have undergone the latest specialist tactical pursuit and containment (TPAC) tactical training.

Police said that they stopped they Black Seat Leon car in the Coleraine area “using pre-emptive tactics in order to prevent the likelihood of a pursuit.”

Following the operation on Thursday a spokesperson for the Police Service of Northern Ireland commented:

“Three males were arrested today as a result of the stop and a number of evidential items relating to the offences were seized along with the vehicle.

“Follow up searches at premises linked to the arrested persons uncovered a large amount of suspected stolen property.

“Detectives from Police Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon are currently progressing this investigation.”

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