Ulster Unionist MLA Colin Crawford and Cllr Alan Barr pictured with local residents as work gets underway in Drumtara.
Colin Crawford MLA has welcomed the Housing Executive’s decision to replace the roofs on several houses in Drumtara following concerns raised by local residents.
After receiving multiple representations from constituents about the poor condition of their roofs, Colin Crawford MLA and local UUP Councillor Alan Barr worked together to push for much-needed repairs. As a result of their efforts, the Housing Executive has now committed to carrying out essential roof replacements, ensuring that affected homes are safe, secure, and weatherproof.
Commenting on the news, Colin Crawford MLA said:
"This is a positive step forward for residents in Drumtara who have been dealing with deteriorating roof conditions for too long. I want to thank the Housing Executive for listening to the concerns of local people and taking action. This investment will make a real difference to families, improving both their living conditions and peace of mind."
Braid Ulster Unionist Councillor Alan Barr has also welcomed the news of the roof replacements. He said:
"I am pleased that after much lobbying and meetings with NIHE, roof replacements will be completed on the back row of Drumtara. CFM has been on site this week to commence preparation work.
"Thankfully, no one will have to leave their home during this time as the works can be done around their day-to-day living.
"This demonstrates that the Ulster Unionist Party is listening to residents in Drumtara and ensuring that their issues are being addressed all the time and not just at election time."
Colin Crawford MLA and Councillor Alan Barr encourage any residents with further concerns about housing conditions to get in touch with their offices for assistance.