Pay machines taped-up and signs advising drivers of the Council u-turn in Ballymena. (Images: Eugene Diamond, Diamond's News)
Businesses in Ballymena and Larne have welcomed the removal of charges in two town centre car parks following a U-turn by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.
Charges have been dropped at Circular Road East and Exchange Road Car Parks and at two car parks at Mount Street and one at Broughshane Street in Ballymena. No charges will be introduced at Castle Car Park in Carrickfergus.
Pay and display charges were imposed by the council at two of the last remaining free town centre car parks in Larne and three in Ballymena, last August.
Commenting on the reversal, Brian McRandal, chair of Larne Business Forum, welcomed the decision, which he described, as “a positive step” but said it has been “over-shadowed by the astronomical business rate increase of 11.86%”.

In a statement, Mr McRandal said:
“We thank our local councillors here in Larne for taking on board our concerns raised back in October 2023 and for getting the reversal of these damaging charges implemented at the earliest opportunity.
“Already today (Friday), we have seen a significant rise in the usage of these car parks and this can only be good news for our town centre businesses. customers and staff who have had to endure the ill-advised tax on supporting their own town for nine months.
“Whilst this is undoubtedly a positive step, it has been over shadowed by the astronomical business rate increase of 11.86% announced last month by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.
“This rise is 49.5% higher than the lowest council rate increase (Omagh & Fermanagh) in Northern Ireland and 27.8% above the Northern Ireland average rate increase meaning that MEABC now has the highest business rates in Northern Ireland and has done for four of the last five years.
“We would urge MEABC to work diligently to bring our rate in line with the Northern Ireland average as a matter of urgency and to focus on the regeneration of our town centres through working collaboratively with all relevant stakeholders.
“Our town centres are the lifeblood of our towns and we would ask the people of Larne and surrounding areas to support the businesses within our town, many of which are family run, have been for generations and will only continue through your continued support.”
Commenting on social media, East Antrim Ulster Unionist MLA John Stewart said:
“Great to see the return of free car-parking at Circular Road East and Exchange Road in Larne following the decision to reverse the plans for charging at Carrickfergus Harbour/Castle Car Park.
“This policy change from MEA council is the result of huge pressure/ lobbying from local residents, the business owners and the business forum and I commend everyone involved in lobbying for the change.
“I have consistently maintained the view that plans to introduce car parking charges at these sites in Larne and Carrickfergus were fundamentally flawed and I am pleased the council has finally allowed commonsense to prevail.”
East Antrim Alliance MLA Danny Donnelly stated on social media:
“I’m glad to see that the council cancelled these car parking charges in town centres. I heard from workers who had to pay to park near their work and local businesses who had experienced a drop in footfall during the charging period. It was right to reverse this.”
Commenting previously on the decision to reverse the charges, a spokesperson for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council said:
“Council will continue to work closely with our town centre traders and business leaders to do all we can to support, promote and grow our economy and ensure the very best services, facilities and infrastructure for our citizens and visitors.”