January can be a tough time, but Radius Housing and Turning Point are hoping to help you banish the blues on 15th January with a Wellbeing Monday event.
Wellbeing Monday, which will be held between 12pm and 2pm in the Adair Arms in Ballymena, will provide access to a range of support and therapy services, that will help anyone who may be finding the new year difficult or just need a bit of a ‘pick me up’.
Blue Monday, the third Monday in January, is often described as one of the most difficult days for mental health, and Wellbeing Monday aims to provide the opportunity for people to take action and be proactive in trying to improve their mental wellbeing.
On the day there will be support services present to help advise and signpost people, private drop in Mental Health and Wellbeing time with Turning Point NI available with access to free counselling sessions, The Barber Collective will be there to offer haircuts, there will be access to the community Pharmacist, free Complementary Therapy taster sessions and plenty of delicious hot food and tea and coffee available.
Wellbeing Monday is supported by the Department for Communities and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme. The Programme has its origins in the NI Executive Together: Building a United Community Strategy which reflects the Executive’s commitment to improving community relations and continuing the journey towards a more united and shared society.
Radius currently has 12 shared housing developments across Northern Ireland, and is currently developing a new £26m, 135 home project at the former St Patrick’s Barracks site in Ballymena.
All developments are supported by Good Relations Plans, including ‘Bridging’ events which are delivered to the wider community to encourage a range of good relations outcomes which include Health and Wellbeing, Education and Training.
Speaking ahead of Wellbeing Monday Trudi Hall from Turning Point NI said:
“Turning Point NI look forward to raising awareness of local support services in the Ballymena and surrounding areas alongside Radius Housing.
"Turning Point NI realise that January is going to be a long, tough month for everyone, so why not come along to this free event and reach out to the appropriate services where required. Again Turning Point would encourage anyone who is struggling to reach out and get the support they very much deserve.”
Lisa Mooney, Communities Officer for Ballymena, Radius Housing added:
“Radius look forward to this event on 15th January, traditionally known as ‘Blue Monday’. We are hoping that it will help in some small way to bring these support services together, along with a drop in service from Turning Point NI. We will also have some delicious food and little treats for attendees including free haircuts from The Barber Collective, getting your nails painted or trying some massage or reflexology.”

Wellbeing Monday is free to attend, and will be open between 12pm and 2pm in the Adair Arms.