Main entrance
Planning permission for a new school building in Ballymena was approved at a meeting of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s Planning Committee on Thursday morning.
The proposed development relates to the construction of a replacement school for Dunclug College at Doury Road.
Principal planning officer Gary McGuinness told the committee meeting at The Braid, in Ballymena, that permission had been approved in November 2019.
However, he indicated that an amendment now includes a special educational needs (SEN) centre and changes to the proposed building facade and materials.

Main entrance plaza

Main entrance (left) and sports block
Mr McGuinness went on to say the school opened in 1971 and is a “typical” design of this period. The six hectare site also accommodates Dunclug Primary and Dunclug Nursery Schools.
The proposed development will include playing pitches, courts, car parking, landscaping with access retained at Doury Road and a bus turning circle to “free up the existing lay-by which can become congested at certain times of the day”.
Mr McGuinness indicated the new building will be designed “as part double storey and part single storey” around a central external courtyard. He added that the work will be done in phases to minimise disruption to the school. There were no objections to the application.

Foyer atrium space

Foyer atrium
Dunclug College principal Niall Oliver told the meeting the school is situated in the north side of Ballymena with an enrolment of 900 pupils, just under ten per cent of which have special educational needs. He reported a free school meal entitlement of 40 per cent. There are 140 staff members.
He explained his vision is the new Dunclug College will remain “a key focal point within a shared site and aims to enhance provisions” alongside the primary and nursery schools.
He stated the committee’s decision would “bring significant investment to the north side of Ballymena and secure regeneration for the site”.

SEN block from hardplay area

SEN block safe play area
Bannside Ulster Unionist Councillor Jackson Minford asked if there will be “adequate parking provision” and about phasing of works.
Mr McGuinness said the “vast majority of schools” have got issues with parking.
He commented this particular project will introduce a new turning area adding that while it is “not going to solve all issues, it will go some way to alleviate problems by taking buses out of the lay-by and freeing up spaces overall”.
“Phasing gives an indication of how they want to continue the educational process without any disruption.

Pupil entrance area


“We are dealing here with children. When the contractor comes into play, the highest standard of safety will be in place to ensure there is a separation between construction works and existing educational facilities. Health and safety will be paramount.”
Kyle Patterson, head of planning, said:
“There is a condition on the planning report that requires the developer to submit a detailed programme of works and also a condition that enforces the phasing approach.”
Ballymena DUP Cllr Reuben Glover said:
“This is a really good news story. A new state-of-the-art school will be very much appreciated not only by pupils and staff but parents and boards of governors.”
Cllr Glover proposed accepting the officer’s recommendation to approve the planning application, seconded by deputy committee chair Braid Ulster Unionist Cllr Alan Barr and agreed unanimously.