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Approval for 80-dwelling social & affordable housing development in Coleraine

Writer: Andrew Balfour (Local Democracy Reporter)Andrew Balfour (Local Democracy Reporter)
A new 80-dwelling social housing development in Coleraine

A new 80-dwelling social housing development in Coleraine has been approved by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.

Members approved the application – for six one-bed apartments, 14 two-bed apartments, nine two-storey town houses, 40 two-storey semi-detached houses and seven two-storey detached houses, on lands north of Laurel Park and close to Killowen Primary School in the town – at this month’s Planning Committee meeting.

Principal Planning Officer, Shane Mathers, highlighted a letter of support from the chief executive of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), which described the development as a key scheme in the 2024/25 year that was “critical to address social housing need in the council area”.

“Capital funding for new builds in 2025/26 remains uncertain,” Mr Mathers said referencing NIHE’s letter. “And a deferral of the application would put the proposal at risk.”

The site will provide three areas of open space in addition to a parkland area and woodland planting, as well as parking provision.

Seventy-seven of the 80 planned dwellings are designated for social housing.

A new 80-dwelling social housing development in Coleraine

Mr Mathers added:

“The site is accessed from one access point off Laurel Park, as approved previously, and DfI (Department for Infrastructure) Roads is content with the overall layout to be adopted.

“NI Water has advised that the sewage network is constrained and to resolve this the developer is funding a storm water offsetting solution at Laurel Park, this is acceptable to NI Water.”

Speaking on behalf of local objectors Killowen Church Rector, Donard Collins, outlined several concerns including the high archaeological potential of the site, the single access point to the development being privately owned, increased flood risk, and road and traffic concerns.

DfI senior professional technical officer (STPO), Sean Hassan said his department had reviewed potential traffic and access issues on “numerous occasions”, and were content with the development’s layout.

Additionally, DfI Roads brought in an independent consultant who reviewed their assessment and “verified and confirmed and that our view was correct”.

Committee members unanimously voted in favour of the development, with one member abstaining.

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