Beginning this weekend Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council has scheduled a line-up of events to mark 225 years since the Battle of Antrim.
The Battle of Antrim was a pivotal battle in the 1798 Rebellion and indeed a pivotal event in the history of Europe. On 6 June 1798, Henry Joy McCracken, the leader of the United Irishmen in Co. Antrim, issued a proclamation calling for the United Army of Ulster to rise.
He knew that the magistrates were due to meet in Antrim town on 7 June and sent orders for garrisons in Randalstown, Larne and Ballymena to be attacked, while he and James Hope, with the men of Belfast and South Antrim, would lead the main attack on Antrim town. However, the attack on Antrim was repelled and the United Irishmen scattered in disarray.

To commemorate this historic event and give residents the chance to learn all about the Battle, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is hosting a series of events from Saturday 3 – Sunday 12 June:
• The Battle of Antrim 225th Anniversary Re-enactment, 3 June (Antrim Castle Gardens), which will see teams of professional re-enactors play out key parts of the Battle and introduce some of the primary characters involved in the activities of 1798. This event is free and no booking is required.
• The Murder of Wolfe Tone (Theatre Production), 5 June(Old Courthouse, Antrim), presented by historical entertainer, Paddy Cullivan. The show brings you the incredible story of the mysterious death of Theobald Wolfe Tone, the founding father of Irish Republicanism, through an audio-visual spectacular featuring hundreds of images, new research and incredible songs, that dares to unravel the secrets around what happened that fateful week in the Provost’s Prison in November 1798. Tickets cost £15.
• Battle of Antrim Anniversary Tours, 5-10 June, which involve two separate tour routes by bus covering the sites associated with the Battle of Antrim and retracing the routes of the rebel forces as they converged on Antrim from the west and the south east. A walking tour of Antrim will also follow the course of the Battle through the town highlighting the key flashpoints and events of 7 June 1798. Tickets cost £10-£20.
For the full programme of events, including ticket information, visit: