NI Water can confirm the water assets impacted by Storm Éowyn are now operational and as of today, 29 January, all customers should have their water supply as normal.
A spokesperson for NI Water commented:
“While our staff are still working 24/7 to physically check assets, particularly those still dependant on generators or have lost monitoring capability, we are pleased our customers are all now receiving a water supply.”
If any customer does experience an interruption, please reach out to the NI Water customer support team at 0345 744 0088, via live chat on niwater.com or through social media. Your prompt feedback will help address any problems swiftly.
Director of Customer & Operations, Stephanie McCullagh, commented:
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank local Councils, agencies and elected representatives who have been working alongside us to distribute bottled water, assist with access to our sites and help identify vulnerable customers.
“This has been a massive joint effort, made much easier by the patience and understanding of the customers impacted.
“While the commitment and dedication shown by NI Water staff does not surprise me, the sheer efforts and lengths they have gone to under unprecedented weather conditions are truly commendable, and once again shines a light on how vital water and our water workers are to our daily lives.”
The most up to date information on the water supply network can be found on the NI Water website by using the postcode search at